Step into the world of Cinema IRANSA, a thought-provoking series hosted fortnightly on campus by passionate student organizers. Featuring diverse films from Iranian cinema, each screening is a journey into cultural exploration and critical reflection. Free to attend, these sessions invite you to delve into the filmmakers' perspectives, sparking insightful discussions on societal issues, artistic expression, and global perspectives. Join us for an enriching experience where cinematic narratives illuminate, challenge, and inspire.
Our numbers
Cinema IRANSA has evolved from a simple idea into a beloved campus tradition. Guided by our dedicated moderator, Mohammad, this fortnightly series offers a unique platform for exploring and discussing Iranian cinema. Each screening presents an opportunity to engage with diverse stories and perspectives, fostering a vibrant community of film enthusiasts. Join us at Cinema IRANSA – where every film ignites conversation and every attendee becomes part of our cinematic family.